Thursday, June 7, 2012

Paris 2012

             After our Indian expedition our layover back home to the states was in Paris, so we decided to just get off the plane and stay for two days! It was stress free and so so wonderful! But I was completely exhausted.

The Louvre! We didn't get to go inside but at least I was there!
This is the view of Paris from the Arc de Triomphe. Their city is built in triangles- so cool and interesting!
The Eiffel Tower- daytime. :)
The Eiffel Tower- nighttime. :)
The Eiffel Tower- sunset! :)
This is the view of the city from the top of the Eiffel!
This bookstore is where the famous Hemmingway and his friends would hang out! Mrs. Schmidt told me about this. It was so cute and wonderful; I loved it!!
There were statues everywhere- this one, thank goodness, had "clothes" on!
Moulin Rouge! We didn't see a show though because it costs a ton!
This is one of the lock bridges with Notre Dame in the background! The significance of the bridge is that you write your name as well as your spouse of significant other and lock it on, and supposedly you stay together forever!


India 2012

              I had the opportunity to spend my last few weeks of high school in four beautiful parts of India. Working for a dentist office, we went to do humanitarian acts and work on the kids there. Our first week was when we had clinic, up in Leh in the Ladakh region in the Himalayas. Our second week we were able to go down and tour Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. My experience was amazing and I cannot even fathom to describe it; it was life-changing and one of the best things ever!

This staircase was in Stok, India. I went on a walk up near our "hotel" in the Himalayas and this is one thing I came across! The fact that they build everything by hand piece by piece, just amazes me. I loved these stairs; they just look so cool to me!
Everywhere we went in the Ladakh people were building. It was really neat for me because my dad is a home builder and owns his own business. He was in the Street of Dreams in 2011, so to be able to see the differences was awesome for me!
This is the school's gymnasium, also known as our clinic. We were up on the top of the hill for lunch and when we finished we came out and there was a line waiting for us. It was great!
This is one of my coworkers, Rachele. She gave these twins anethestic and I assisted the doctor. They were the sweetest things; didn't speak or cry of pain at all!
This was near a monastery that we visted- two kids fetching water out of a well!
This is in the boys' dormitory where we would eat lunch every day after clinic, and they would just sit here in lines and eat their own food, not noisy, just minding their business and enjoying their food!
We hiked up to a monastery and there was this great place to hike over with tons and tons of prayer flags overlooking the city of Leh. So cool!
While at clinic I was able to extract a tooth and learn to give anesthetic, like in this photo.
We went to see the Taj Mahal! Sooooo pretty. :)
The architecture just amazes me!
Ever wonder why rugs cost so much? Well, I figured it out.
Kids loved the camera! So cute!
Oh, ya know. Just riding an elephant; no big deal!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


        We had the amazing opportunity of scanning our own faces. It was so cool! I was a little worried at first until Hohman showed us the Windex. :)  I scanned my face like six times trying to get a good one and ended up with the third try. As you can see, I first uploaded the original, then uploaded an edited version! I had a lot of fun with the curve, lightening myself, and giving me "pink" dots! I would definitely do this again. I'm glad Hohman decided to put this in his plans!


Landscape Photos- Infrared

        Each one of these photos were taken through a film camera, printed, scanned, and edited. The point of infrared photos in this case was to take all the green out and replace it with "pink". In class we learned that pink isn't actually a real color. In my opinion, these look really neat! I absolutely love all of the different effects and vibes they give off. :)  Very cool!


Landscape photos

             This is one of my landscape photos without any editing. This photo makes me really happy because it reminds me of a famous photo of the Sacred Grove. This photo, however, was taken in the forest in the yard of my house. I was really surprised at how detailed it looked while I was going through the printing process before actually allowing it to show up on paper. It was cool!

         These are obviously clouds, and I think they look awesome! This was taken on Beef Bend Rd. in Tigard around 5:00pm. I've always had a thing for clouds, so being able to capture this moment was really neat!

          This last one is on the street up to my house. I love these trees so much and have always wanted a photo of them with their shadows, and now I got one! It looks way cool and I'm so glad it turned out!


Contact Sheet

                 These are images of my very last contact sheet in high school. I leave for India in two days, come back and graduate. Both of these images show the distinctness in each landscaped photo. I was able to get it dark enough so the plastic doesn't show on the negative strips, but light enough to keep each individual photo noticeable. I'm really proud of my work! :)


Tilt Shifts

                 The reason why I have waited so long to upload these is because I wanted more. For me, it has been incredibly difficult finding things in the world that I can capture and make into a tilt shift photo. Maybe I just needed to take more time out of my schedule and drive around even more, looking. These two that I do have, however, really make me very happy. :)

                This first photo was taken at a Blazer game and I made it into a tilt shift photo. Instead of blurring out the top and bottom, I decided to blur the diagonals, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I fixed the lighting a bit just to brighten it up, and the clearness of it really excites me!

                 This is my second tilt shift, and I captured this at school one morning. This duck has been in the school parking lot lately, and I just couldn't miss the opportunity to take a photo of him. The tilt shift worked well, but maybe next time I'll make sure I'm up higher so I can get the real effect. The thing I love about this, though, is the fact that the duck is just one single object. It makes me happy!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Person Portrait Continued...

          These are the other two of my "person portrait" project. I had some technological issues, and that's why they are seperate from the other. My grandpa is one of my very favorite people, and I greatly enjoyed photographing him! The thing that I don't understand about the photos is the lines across the angles of it. I really have no idea why it does that. If I could redo these photos I would fix the lighting. They are still pretty dark even though I lightened them. I had fun with this project!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Self Portrait Project

           The self portrait project was interesting. I really like my "cake face" photo, but other than that I wasn't a huge fan of it all. The first photo is of me with my sleeping mask on. I really like this photo despite the dots and the shadows where my eyes should be. Next time I'll need to figure out better lightning. My second photo is of me outside with  the sun shining in the background. I really enjoy this photo. For some reason on the left side of my face there is a color change, and I'm not sure what went wrong there. It was probably how I printed the photo and/or other chemical on it. It could even be that it wasn't in a certain chemical for as long as it should have been. My last photo is my "cake face". I love this photo! I really hate the dust particles that got on it, though. I love how the light hits my face and the cake lights up. The fact that my teeth are visible and I am smiling really brings out the photo as well!


Contact Sheets

           These are all of my contact sheets. As you can see, each one got better as I got better and learned how to make better contact sheets. The pictures are very clear on my first one, but I wasn't quite able to get the holes to be black. On my next few I did a lot better. What happened with my photos on my last two contact sheets is my film wouldn't unwind, so when I opened up my camera to get the roll out, the light hit it briefly. The thing that bothers me is the dust particles that stick to the final copy, so when you scan it, that's what you see. Next time I'll make sure to upload them to my blog right away so that this doesn't happen.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Person Portrait

                 This is a photo of my grandfather. He was one of the people I chose to take photos of, and he was such a great model. :)  My grandpa means the world to me, and he's really a funny guy. This photo is of him doing what he does best. Whenever he reads the newspaper, he's usually asleep within five minutes. I had a lot of fun doing this project with him! The thing that I would change about this photo is I could are the three light blue-ish lines. I'm not sure what this indicates, or what went wrong. It may have been how I developed, and so I need to make sure to do everything even more precise than I always do. All in all, this was a great project and I had a lot of fun doing it with my grandpa!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Film- Franklin

                   This photo came from my very first roll of film. It was taken place at The University of Washington at my friend's college gymnastics meet. He is one of four guys on his team, and each of them have worked very hard to get where they are today. My friend, Franklin, is flipping off the vault in this photo. I was really disappointed when I developed this photo and found it to be blurry. The reason for this is because I should have set the shutter speed for much faster because he was flipping so fast. Also, the camera decided to record my movement as well as his, so that affected the photo as well. If I could retake this shot, I would definitely change the settings on my camera. Maybe next time!
